Tuesday, March 17, 2009

To be inspired

I was inspired by the list of things that my friend SkeinQueen has been up to: spinning, dyeing, updating, hanging out in Bentleys and lashing it up with the ladies. She made me feel like a sloth....

So here is my weekend, not as entertaining but maybe it's because I am a wee bit older than her....

1. Wore silly noses for red nose day

We thought we did something funny for money. It was very hard to behave normal.

2. Saturday involved ferrying children to activities but with an added gorgeous walk in the middle of it with Mr Detroit

Met knitty friends up at the canteen and knit and nattered whilst children had their lesson.

3. Resolved myself to the fact that I would have to finish the jumper I started for Christmas ~ why is it that the hubby wants a black boring jumper.... my mum would say it's payback for all the years she had to make me black school jumpers as I refused to wear the other colour choice, an odd red colour.

4. Actually started to properly write up the pattern for the Union Jack gloves and hoping that it makes sense ~ skeinqueen and I will be selling them as kit form with coherent instructions (*cough, cough, that's my job*) and SQ does the anarchic inspired dyeing.

Funny eh, there was me being inspired by anarchy and Johnny Rotten to make these and suddenly I find myself confined to charting and numbers and swatching.... heh ho
: )

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